Thursday, August 18, 2011

37 Weeks Going on 38

I had my 37-week check up today at the doctor's office and things sounded optimistic. Last week I was dilated to a 1 and was 0% effaced. This week I am dilated to a 2 (almost a 3) and am 50% effaced. I was mistaken last week that I was at a +3 station- I was actually at a -3 station. I must have misunderstood the dr. But today I was at a -2 station, so she is moving on down!

It could still happen any time, especially since I'm progressing right along, but the dr. said that he will induce me around the 31st of August if I haven't had her before. So....we'll see!

I am seriously SO done with this pregnancy and ready to see my little girl!!! The pregnancy side effects are getting worse- puffy puffy puffy feet and hands (and now, face too...blah) as well as difficulty walking, pain in my hips and pelvis, heartburn, difficulty breathing and light-headedness, difficulty sleeping, etc. Plus I feel HUGE like a wildebeest. These last few weeks of pregnancy are NO JOKE. I have a new respect for women who have been through it (and been through it multiple times!) and survived.

In other news, the nursery is pretty much ready to go. We got our crib put together and all the things that we will need for the baby's arrival. We need to set up the pack n' play in the bedroom but that will be quick. I also have my hospital bag about 70% packed, so I just need to grab a few things when the time comes and head out the door! Everything is falling into place and now I just need to wait for Hadley Boo to make her appearance!! Hopefully not much longer....

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