Wednesday, August 10, 2011

36 Weeks!

Look at this belly! Just when I think it can't get any DOES! I had my 36-week check up today and the dr. said I am dilated to a 1 and the baby is engaged +3... so it could be "any day now" but I hope it is sooner than later. :)

Our next dr. appointment is next thursday.


  1. but ya don't look big. you look really really good. like those skinny pregnant woman when from behind you have no idea they're prego, then they turn to their side, and it's obvious. haha. oh this is andrea, i'm signed into my mom's account... don't know why.

  2. I agree with everything Andrea said --- you look great Brooke! I'm so excited for you and wish I could see this beautiful baby you'll be having very soon. Since I can't be there I'm sending along a little something for Hadley (hope I spelled that right) with your mom. Good luck with you labor and remember, breathe....

  3. Awww...those were such nice things to hear. To Andrea, believe me, if you saw me, you would know RIGHT AWAY that I was preg- regardless of what angle you approached me at. It's all big!! To Aunt Shannon, thank you for the well wishes- I will try to remember to breathe- I have heard from many people that it's actually harder than you would think when you are in the midst of the pain! Don't worry, there will be pics of miss Hadley posted here soon I'm sure :)

  4. ya, you better post pictures of hadley!!! cause i want to see! i bet she'll be so adorable.
